Thursday, January 28, 2021

Wednesday - 6 days to recover

(didn't finish writing and posting unfinished...)
Today, 6 trading days later, I finally recovered from the huge loss I made last Monday. While it is encouraging to know I can recover, I don't want to be having losers that big. It is too destructive to lose all that ground. 

Again today, 3rd day in a row, Schwab (and other brokers, I'm told) couldn't handle the open. I alternately couldn't log in, couldn't place trades, couldn't transfer money. In today's case, I was simply sidelined for the opening ~30 minutes. Monday, I was able to enter an opening trade but not close it (happened to be extremely profitable, but also could have sliced the other way). Yesterday the problems were later in the morning when I was finishing up. Outrageous!

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