Account is up 26% week over week! Ba-BAM!
At the beginning of the week, I set a very ambitious p/l goal. By Tuesday afternoon I scrapped it bc I was not on pace and I saw that pressing for it was not doing me any good. And yet... I came out this week very close to that goal. I'm thrilled!! I'm on a 7-day win streak. My stats recently are amazing, but I have not yet recovered from the June account massacre. What a waste! I must keep check on overconfidence.
Let this be a LESSON!
I am not smarter than the market.
I won't get it back in one trade.
Don't rely on disproportionate gains to "save" me.
STOP when losses are small.
I need to trade like clockwork. Clockwork works!
When I'm out of my mind or even when the market climate is just not conducive to my style, if I'm losing and not gaining, I must go smaller to regroup.
Today was a "up is down and down is up" day, but I saw it coming!! Gaps up were into resistance, so I shorted. Gap down was not behaving right, so I passed.
But the real money today was MRNA puts. The trade was craaazzyyy (very choppy trade and outrageous option spread) but I managed to get a piece and not get burned. After that, only thing to do is walk away and chill!
No charts. Have to go cook. Shabbat shalom!
Gaps up failing (as of ~10:30)...