Friday, April 23, 2021

Green day. Green week

Phew! I love how I traded today. Finally. A good solid and satisfying day. But I did some things differently that I feel really contributed to the satisfying +$.
What worked today?

Starters, there were a few solid setups for a change. That's the first big deal, right?

Next, I traded really small. And I gave a very tight leash bc I traded today's expiration. I've learned when I neeeeeeddd to use stops, I need to trade small enough to not care about the spread. And, even though I traded small, I resisted the urge to add to losers. I realize I have been doing this more lately. I start with small size, then it holds near my stop so I add (while red), but then I stop, eat the spread and it's a bigger loss. 

A fault today, how did I hack so much in RIOT and NIO? Like I couldn't pick a direction?

INTC - gap down on earnings. Only support nearby was 58, which was prior support and also the 100dma. I know that people like to load INTC when it's down, so don't expect a lot of followthrough. I also know that these very popular stocks trade with wierd options action. Whether it's a little laggy, or doesn't somehow exactly correlate... so use limit orders and try not to be scared to hang in there. Last partial is a little regrettable, but that's why I put in stops when I look away.

KMB - gap down on earnings. Bigger spreads. Really wary of this one. Got in with a decent entry, possibly a limit order. It moved well, but I only wanted to get out on limits, and I got a nice piece.

The rest of the morning I spend hacking in/out of RIOT and NIO. 

RIOT and MARA both gapped to their 100dma. But people love these blockchain names so I tought there was a chance RIOT would run up. When RIOT didn't dump, I hacked around both long and short in a base prior levels. But the continuation move above was undeniable and I jumped in long. Kept a tight leash and had a nice trade, at yesterday's close area, I tried another short and got burned. Then grabbed one last long, before deciding to call it quits on RIOT. Pretty big hack job for just 4% net gain

And NIO. In premkt, NIO was doing big volume and looked ripe, but hadn't moved above yet. I can't remember why I bothered trying the early puts, but the later puts paid. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

morning vs afternoon posts

By the end of the day, I have nothing to say. Trading is frustrating.

This morning, here I am. No really good setups. Plan is same as yesterday. Hang tight. Wait. See what I can scrape out of it. 10% targets maybe. Small positions. Just grab those smidges for green.

Can't trade whole day today (not that I ever want to ...) so I need to hit and run.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

no setups

 No setups for me this morning. I'm going to sit here for the open and sweat my swing trades. 

NFLX down to bottom of range on earnings. Maybe that will shape into something, but that will have to be verrrry small trade.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

S# not working!

 Nothing is working. 

Now I'm thinking it's these small range days, or at least small range mornings when I'm active. 

More loses today. Even if small, because I'm trading super small, it's so disappointing.

I'm comforted to hear my gurus also saying it's been hard lately, but they seem to be making at least a little money. 

I need to figure out how to be more consistently profitable during this climate.

going into Tuesday

Nothing compelling this morning. I carried MARA puts overnight, which I'm rather regretting right now. That will be the only thing I pay much attention to in the opening minutes. After that, I need to wait for other setups.

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