Friday, September 25, 2020

Friday trading with patience

 Late arrival today (a.m. chevruta). Market pushing resistance. What's moving is pulling back. Looking for weakness to short, waiting for good entries.

PENN stuck around yesterdays high, also 5dma. First short got grabbed. Second one paid.

NVAX didn't give as much as I hoped. 

COST worked the second time. 

Nothing really flushed like I wanted, but I scraped out a little gains and I'm happy with that. Especially happy with how I WAITED.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Excellent ZM short, but the rest of the day disappointed

 Maybe sometimes you just need that one big trade. I was depressingly red on the day (its own topic... why do I keep trading so deep?), but today the savior trade in ZM really paid!

Big loser in MRNA was totally avoidable. I have learned, if I don't stick to the proper stop, I will inevitably panic before it goes back in my direction. See: MRNA today. It stopped me out 65.83 (top tick 65.85) before going all the way back down. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

chop, then up a smidge

 Like yesterday. Small up, small down, then finally today it was AAPL that paid me. INO sucked me in for the breakout, then I got trapped. Regretted getting out....until I was so glad to be out! Trade management ftw. 

Monday, September 21, 2020

small ups and downs, then NKLA paid

 Why was I even in WMT at all? Waste.

NKLA, others switched long, but I tried for the big short. I did ok, but didn't get the utter destruction I hoped for.

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