Friday, June 18, 2021

Trading on *Tilt*

 Hashgacha pratit. Today (after hitting max weekly loss yesterday) coincidentally, YouTube showed me this video from one of my favorite traders, Mark Melnik, about trading on tilt.

So I looked for a few more.

Gamer context

Poker context 

"Tilt" is a topic for me to look into more.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Max loss week

Traded like a jerk this week. Reached my max weekly loss tolerance so I'm moving money out and banning myself until Monday.

Next week, something like: make or lose, and walk away

Disgusted with myself. This account is for my dreams! When I trade like a jerk, I'm pushing my dreams farther off. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The trader life

Trader life: Took my daughter to the doctor this morning and missed the open. A good day for it, because of my ponderings on trading not my setup. 

When I did finally get to my desk, I traded much more carefully, deliberately, successfully. Though I'd say the market wasn't necessarily easier than it's been any other day. I just traded like less of a jerk. And smaller, on fed day.

In other news, I am trying to get my commissions reduced by Schwab. There is a seemingly secretive application process. Hope for the best.

Wake up call

 I'm not trading my best setups. Strong wake up call last night when I went to this blog to show some example trades. Very few recently are the setup I claim to specialize in. Eye opener! I'm trading nms. Constantly.

Trading strictly my best setup is something I used to hound on. My system works on my setup. I shouldn't expect my rules to work on a setup they're not designed for. So What! if my setup isn't showing very often lately. It doesn't mean I can trade any old anything. Maybe it means I have to develop other setups/skills. But I can't go rogue!

I've already been aware that I need non-opening plays. Maybe "TTG triangle" is one I should develop for later in the morning. How to scan?

No more sloppy trading!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Treadmill desk. Trader meetup

 Thankful to Ethan, Angel, Rob and the DC Traders meetup people, including a terrific presenter Casian(sp?). Wow!! I've missed talking shop with other traders!

Today was first day trading from my new standing/treadmill desk. So far, I'm not in love. It's not comfortable (that's not the point), but I don't think I traded poorly because of that.

Frustrating trading day. EH didn't stay up. I gave it too much room and exited net flat.

AMC I did my fatal mistake again. I picked it for a long (momo breakout). When the long failed hard, I tried puts (overbought reversal). Don't reverse on my thesis, just wait for another setup. And in doing so, missed the moneyyyyyy trade long.


 Was a down day yesterday. Wrong side of CRSR and hung in there too long. Nice gains on MARA and NVAX, but net red.

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