Watching trading videos is my best way to always be learning. I've recently been loving Their live trading open/close shows are great (even to watch after the fact!). I've also become aware of strategy videos they make.
Today's gem was about money management, something I've also discovered about myself and my own trading: it helps boost confidence in the highly aggressive trading to know I have other money socked away as a backstop.
I think this is why I trade better (more confidently, more profitably!) when I trade reduced account size.
I have been parking the "dry powder" in a checking account, and I do sometimes move it into the trading account for a little extra oomph (not always for the good). Would I do better to invest that in something and not touch it so much?
I think eventually I will get my account up to a level where I find I just can't size up anymore bc liquidity. I suppose at that point I'll truly have excess money. I'd have 3 chunks: #1) trading capital, #2)backup capital, #3)even more capital.
Actually, maybe the #3 money will be the money we live on. Maybe that's how I'll know we're golden...when there exists a #3 and that is our cash flow money to live on.
How big do #1 and #2 have to be, before I can start allocating to #3? I don't know yet. I suppose it will be when I discover my trading sweet spot and know that I have sufficient cash above that. And/or maybe at some point I will decide to start "paying" myself instead of pressing for more and more growth.