Friday, March 19, 2021

Finishing the week +5%

Relieved!! to be finishing the week up 5%. On Wednesday I had a very destructive down day, but with CLOCKWORK trading, I have managed to climb back. I'm only about $175 below ath, but I'm going to stick here. The dumbest thing to do would be to blow it at this point just for the stats.

Speaking of stats, my current w/l days ytd is 65%. The past 4 weeks have been 2 down days, 3 up days per week. I would like to hit better and capitalize more. Who wouldn't? Keep honing my skills.

Not a lot of premkt picks. FDX one winner one loser. NKE a little bit. ETSY I managed to do ok, but once I got in the spread widened way too much and I had to take what I could. W also wide spread.

Trade of the day, TSLA:

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Step back in the right direction

 Green for me today, but pain for markets. I took it relatively easy today to get back on track.

Got paid in the morning. Big gains on DNMR, TSLA, DG.
I poked around (too big to be small, nms, wtf?!) and lost big in AAPL.

I dabbled a bit midday for a little more, to get me back into green for the week, but still disapointingly off highs. I don't see how I'll hit weekly p/l target at this point, but mostly need to stay green, stay clockwork.

I got "married" yesterday

After sleeping on my yesterday losses, I realize I got married yesterday. I fell in love with PLUG and I got married to it. Well now we're divorced! PLUG really burned me. It's going to take a while to recover. ...

Realistically, it might take me 2/3/4 days to recover, but it sets me back and I don't like that. It was a lapse in discipline. It was... (favorite phrase from early The Crown...) "manifestly not!" clockwork trading. 

Today, account greatly reduced. Position size greatly reduced. I got humbled yesterday by losses. Today I will BE humble with

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Biggest minus day ever

Pretty painful -10% day today. Not my worst percentage day (but among them), but definitely my worst $ loss. All for what?... can you guess...? 
Being too smart. Going in too big. Yanking stops. All the major sins. 

I deserved this loss. I needed to learn this lesson again. So I review:
Clockwork trading
small size
tight stop is the right stop
pay myself first

This is the kind of day I know to fear. It's destructive. It sets me back financially and psychologically.

Tomorrow I will trade only with a small fraction of my account.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Biggest $ day ever

Today, my biggest up dollar day ever. I should expect this as my account grows, but I've been stumbling lately. 

Pondered w/ A last night, what's up with my trading? For a while, I was taking positions approx 1/10 of my account size (meaning, I could take 10 trades/day). As my account grew, I was sticking with that $size. But that allows me to take more than 10 trades. I was prone to keep on trading and sometimes chip away at gains (esp bc later in the morning, is typically nms), just because I have more cash available.

So, I lowered my account ... a good strategy to constrain myself. Always. 
And then I traded bigger-ish positions. 
This made me nervous, so I took 1/3 off at easier targets.
Today it worked great!

Something else that worked great? Stopping! Not stop loss, but stop trading. Last trade closed at 10:23 and I knew I was done. 

Nice green day, in/out... go have a day!

Monday, March 15, 2021

Flat. When to stop?

 Today I churned and came out tiny down. Was this a problem of in too big, or not quitting ahead?

When I'm not up "enough" I tend to keep diving back in. I think I should just stop or wait/digest after first round trades.

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