I traded great today. Felt synced. Took $1/10 acct pos size today. Made an 8% day, and so far a +15% week. Best in a little while, but not enough to turn the month green.
Was the action good today, different than other days? No. I still had frustrations to get even 10% p/l targets. The problem with smaller targets, is even though I lock some gains, the remaining position can still go negative. But that's what the market is giving now.
I'm trying to not only take targets, but skim partials along the way. It results in a lot of transactions, but it lets me take gains and still ride. I think this is a good way to manage bigger positions. I'm going to try to stick with this for a few days. In the case of total losses it may burn, but in the case where I get my move it will add up and allow me to maximize my capital.
One more trading day in April. As of today, I'm down 8% on the month. My first losing month in a really long time. Even so, my w/l days is 61% this month (vs 65-70% recent past months). What does this tell me? I think it tells me that statistically I'm still working a winning system, but I'm letting my losing days get too big. I feel like I got too big/bad both ways: 1000cuts by taking small positions and not stop additional trading at a certain point, and also getting whacked on big positions. Which is worse? I think 1000 cuts is worse psychologically. Even though small positions should help mitigate bad psychology, that's only true if I stop trading. If I grind all day, then no.