Thursday, May 25, 2023

RAKED it in!

Last night NVDA announced some sort of stellar earnings with all the right buzzwords. Stock opened up about 30% -- on a megacap! Unbelievable. 

This morning the QQQ was set to gap up 2.3% and lots of things were absolutely raging premkt. 

I knew to stay away from NVDA and wanted to avoid the other semis too. Though TSM was on my watchlist for a new breakout of a huge pattern, and I didn't play it well for a loser on small size.

My A+ pick was ADBE, which I've been watching in a base. I f*king KILLED IT!!! in 2 trades. B"H

And I am done for the long weekend. Shavuot Friday and Memorial Day Monday. It's going to take me at least that long to cool my jets from this amazing trade. Today I'm +94% on the capital I traded. ðŸ¤¯

What an amazing boost to my account!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023


Great green day today. I made back about 3/4 of what I lost yesterday, with smaller exposure. 

I had 2 lovely picks this morning and allocated myself only enough money to trade those 2. 

(yesterday) overtrading a no trend day

 The market stayed in a tight range all morning 

While I tried to trade trend. I should not have expected followthrough, and should have been quicker to take profits. I took 3 full losses as AI and COIN didn't hold up, and FSLR didn't hold down. That's max loss day. 

I really didn't read the premarket right. In retrospect, it was obvious not a bull open. 

Also, not good for me to be in 3 positions at the same time. I don't manage well. Stick to 1-2.

Monday, May 22, 2023

new thinking on taking profits

 I'm moving away from the 20% p/l target. And I'm moving away from taking off half at the first target. 

My trouble has persistently been that big losing days take a bite out of my progress.

New thinking: I need to keep my same loss controls, and build confidence to ride gains longer. I simply need more gains!

Today's approach was smaller size, and go a little farther otm for easier holds, smaller loss potential, bigger gains for successful moves. Today there was a power move on the open that helped me a lot. So I will continue to monitor over time how this is going.

Stellar day!

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