Friday, October 14, 2022

moadim l'simcha

It's been a pretty intense holiday season this year, cutting my trading days but also helping me get a refresh. In general, though, this market churns my stomach. And I think it gets worse. Recent chag was Monday/Tuesday this week and I really expected to come back Tuesday night to see a massive crash. Coming M/T is SA/ST. I still can't rule out a 5% down day.

I've been trading hit and run, and I haven't been annotating or journaling. Skipping journaling is a bad habit to get into, but I'm going to skip out again today. 

Today my day was saved by an economic number that missed at 10:00 and gave a flash break down that helped me get out of a short I failed to take the target on. 

Market had a huge gap down/run up yesterday. Maybe about a 5% range. In a stronger market it would have been a nice bottom, but these days there IS NO BOTTOM. Everything looks like hell and acts like hell. Be skeptical of all rallies. 

I am developing an increasing really sick feeling about my long term portfolio which is in total pain. Really considering leaving the manager. Such a mismatched temperament. Am I getting near capitulation? Maybe yesterday could hold for a while. But the economy is still crap and getting worse. Fed still states it will hike, and expect pain. So... I'm expecting more pain. Ugh.


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