Friday, December 4, 2020

20% in 10 min

Today's goal was to hit and run, for 10% and peace. I did 20% in just 10 min. Ba-BAM! 

The past several days I've stuck around, trying to push for more and spent a lot of money and psychological capital while churning my account. Today, all around satisfying.

I had only 2 good picks: DOCU and MRVL. Didn't allow any piddling around in not my setup. Got in. Got my piece. Peace!

Thursday, December 3, 2020

CRWD, BA, TSLA recovering yesterday's loss, and a smidge for gains.

Not all gains/losses are equal. Some are emotionally expensive.

Another trying day. In and out of these trades several times. Coulda shoulda taken the real big gains from the open and walked. The rest of the day was churn/give back. 

Market is all time highs, but not getting much volume and not giving good confirmation...equals chop. At least, I should be on the green side of chop!

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Big down day

Hacked at PYPL today and it cost me too much. More red than green today. Biggest red on PYPL (both ways again, fml!!), LI, BA, and you know when I'm reaching into SPY I'm overdone.

Winners: JKS (from overnight), BA.


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

MRNA lotto paid! PYPL ate my lunch

 Took home one dinky MRNA call overnight. It surged like gangbusters on news. Thankfully I applied a lesson learned the hard way and I dumped it on the open. MRNA traded down from there and never looked back, closing huge down on day. Wish I could say I shorted it, but at least I got a gorgeous piece before it tanked.

But then I got "too cute" with PYPL... including trading blind when my system wouldn't load entirely. Gave back about half my MRNA gains. 

A few other tiny +/- trades (NFLX, NIO, JKS). Took home one JKS put.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Clockwork Trading. Closer to my dream.


Here it is! Clockwork Trading... the logo at least. As my self discipline is tamed, as my gains become more consistent, I am nearing my goal of starting a real trading business. Trading in an entity and *paying myself*! I can see it coming into reach.

Another day of a thousand cuts.

Red result today. But the day was neither big enough loss to stop nor big enough win to stop. First FUBO calls was too much of a chase. I sacked my day on BNTX loss that was too big (position was too big, gave too much room on failed move). 

What I did do right was wait for the CRWD trade, even though I lost, I first looked at it in the opening consolidation (~9:40) which it failed hard out of. My trade was at 11:06, and I didn't stick around to see what might happen bc earnings later this week, so maybe the big breakout is not going to come. .

Made money both ways today, but couldn't capitalize on any big flush or surge.

LESSON: I've learned this before and I'll eat it again, but when the price breaks out but doesn't follow through, then it's a failure and I need to protect capital tightly.

ANOTHER LESSON: Even though I think I took a good opportunity on CRWD

Charts maybe later. Right now I'm a little fried.

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