I can not believe this trade. Best trade (%basis) of my entire career... by FAR!
I started with 3 calls @0.22 for a starter in the second minute. At 9:46, I added 10 calls, which filled at 0.06. Total trade cost $129.67 for 13 calls, as much as I was willing to allocate to way otm calls on tomorrow expiration. Then it was just straight up launch. I took an initial pl target, then just trailed incremental stops along the way. Total gains $976.69, an average of 653%. I can't believe it, I'm sort of in shock. (I wish my swing TSLA call would do this!!!)
With that brag out there, I realize I haven't journaled for a while. I've been chugging along. Pretty good Clockwork.
I'm using a new money management technique to steady myself: I open my account each morning with enough for 2 trades. After 2 trades, I can evaluate how I'm doing, how the market feels, and opt to allocate myself enough for 2 more trades, and so on. This is helping me pause before diving into trade after trade, and stops me from going too big.
Instead of p/l daily % gain that I wish for, I'm hoping just to make a pretty modest $ gain (while not losing!). Sometimes I can do it with the initial chunk (in which case I'm allowed to trade more bc I'm "on"!). Sometimes it's a struggle and I'm glad to slow myself down. Sometimes it's not my day and I can slow down losses.
Why have I not been blogging? No good excuse. Lazy, I admit.