Tuesday, November 26, 2019

BYND not my setup! -39%

Daily setup: nms. none, really, Meir Barak was talking about it and I got too cute
Entry/play: short after test ndh and bounce back down (lacking volume)
Management: yanked stop, gave it too much room, it surged against market drop and I kept holding. Poor technique in every way
Psychology: Bad. NMS, gave it too much room. gave up most of my DIS gains on this stupid thing.

Repeat after me... I can't trade just anything... I can't trade just anything...

DIS +45% textbook

Daily setup: gap above flag
Entry/play: long after pivot
Management: trail stop, tightening near target. Exited on tight stop, then on raised/tightened stop.
Psychology: Good. Textbook beautiful trade.

Monday, November 25, 2019

SPY -6% peace

Daily setup: strong day surge. today expiration
Entry/play: above high resistance level
Management: trail stop
Psychology: A loser can still be peace. Yes I missed the move I wanted, but I also did not want to do the pullback, which was an unknown at the time. If anything, I should have waited on the entry. But most of all: small loss. lesson learned. peace.

NVDA +34% peace

Daily setup: Gap above high box
Entry/play: 1 min new high after pivot
Management: trail stop, p/l target then squeeze stop
Psychology: good. I got my piece and peace. If I was going to give it a little more room I could have had more, but that's not my play right now. My play is for gains, and peace.
AND, it was so nice to get solid gains, early, and go have a day.

psychology / focus

I feel like I've been floundering recently. A lot of greed/fear (LOSING mentality) and not using the "got my piece" WINNING mentality.

So, I'm concentrating my focus. I'll say it right now, I'm going to leave a lot on the table. I'm not going to get homeruns. I'm not going to try for homeruns. I'm going to try for success.

That means losers don't hurt. Targets are taken. Return to peace.

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