Thursday, March 23, 2023

won the lottery

Held 2 big losers overnight that had gotten slaughtered by the Fed action. One went to zero, the other went +214% averaged across 10 exits. Lucky, but very meaningful for my account!

Absolutely no trading tomorrow = Friday. A day I must stay out every week, no matter how careful I think I will be.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

back off track (see yesterday)

3:40 fed day

Sat long in these junk trades all day. Holding overnight. Will handle it tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

back on track

Today I traded like my best self. Like Clockwork. That's after a few weird days and a freakout Friday. My life is so much better when I don't trade Fridays. Just don't. Please!

TSLA, obvious breakout. A little too tight on the front half stop, but that's the thing about partials... you get another chance on the second half.

On the other hand, I finally got a price target on NVDA, then gave too much room on the second half and watched it deteriorate. Arrows point to better stop places. At least I cut it somewhere bc it kept going almost straight to ndh after that.

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