Thursday, April 21, 2022

today, puts

Today I got the NVDA puts. Daily nms, but same burn setup. Got some off at +20%, +40%, max gain lots off at +94%.

Holding one lotto put, different strike, into tomorrow (chag) with orders around it. Whatever.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

too big

Got burned big on NVDA calls. All around bad trade and a big loss which I deserved. 

I am not smarter than the market. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

One trade, in parts

MRNA best looking setup this morning. It can be a tough one, I know. Wait for pb and take targets.

Took a starter on opening weakness. Added on the reverse back down. PLtgt like clockwork. When it didn't do much of a bounce from there, I added back, and set another pltgt on that entry. 

When it followed through down, I squeezed the stop on the final.

Yes, I think MRNA goes much farther down today (even as I write this). But I don't want to spend psychological capital on that. SPY is going strong up, MRNA is very volatile. Take my amazing trade and PEACE! 

Done before 9:45, go have a day!!


Monday, April 18, 2022

15 min day

2 nice trades this morning. Done before 9:45. I have more cash, but... I'm going to go out on a high note. It's chol hamoed. My kids are home. Let's go have a nice day!!

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