Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 year end gains/review

An up trading day, thanks/no thanks to TSLA. Perfect setup for a really big breakout. I was down several(!) hundred trying to buy dips and stopping out. Finally it chopped (more nicks/stops/adds) and then launched. In the end, I was down too big on it, so my huge green resulted only net +$250. But glad to be back green. TSLA continues to run like gangbusters, but I got my piece (?somehow) and don't want to enter new today expiration here at 11am. Consolation is I have it in my swing account, so I'm getting paid for the whole move.

Trade of the day was FUTU, +50% average.
Also had PLTR for approx flat.

My account is at an all time high heading into 2021. Baruch Hashem!
Next year, I know what I need to do, TRADE LIKE CLOCKWORK:
Small size
Pay myself first
Tight stop is the right stop

This year was very choppy in my account. I can do better! I can control my postion size. I can use proper stops. I can take my gains... I can 10x my account in 2021. Sounds crazy, I know. But the stats are there. If I do my work right, I can rake it in. 

Happy new year. May it be healthy and peaceful. 

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