Friday, July 9, 2021

Small is big, and luck prevails

No freakout friday! I traded small to keep my head straight. 

only one great setup = no aggressive trades. Gains are pretty lucky.

success builds psychological capital

awareness that my setups have expired. 9:48 done

+14% on the miniscule capital I traded. 

Gotta go! Shabbat shalom.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

What a day!

Came in to a big gap down on the market. Yet, it was hard to find setups I liked. 
Today, 3rd day in a row that markets do a sharp V bottom. Screaming drop turns into a screaming run up. So I'm not letting a momentum drop go against me. 

So proud of this day! Hit and run. Done by 9:48

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Stellar day despite opening losers

I jumped the gun again today. I chased SAVA at the open...And I went in too big...And I gave it too much room. And I lost a lot of money.

Thankfully, AMC and BA redeemed me big time!

Today is fed day, so that's a wrap. Except for ... $65 lotto on today SPY puts. T1 I covered my cost and now the rest is gravy.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

split market

 The first 1 hour bar on the majors today, straight down. Except for QQQ defying gravity.

No great setups today, but I didn't let that stop me (ugh!). +4% day

AMC. Chased like a fool. Market hadn't shown its colors yet. Failed off daily 20sma (I notice this a lot!). See passed trade(gray) commentary below.

BNTX. Not what I hoped for, and not how I should have played it.

FUTU. Under the heading of, you can't go broke taking profits (though, I could argue...). FUTU looked like it would just drop forever. When it stalled around 140, round number, June support area, I tightened the leash a lot. Smart (/lucky) bc it did one more tiny drop and then ran $4 in 3 minutes. Gorgeous trade and I didn't overstay.

Valuable lesson in examining the trades I did NOT take. After I was "done" for the day, AMC short looked so juicy. But I don't want to tilt. I screen grabbed for reference. It would not have worked. Let's give some credit for passing when I should pass. This would have been a tilt triggering trade, so all the better I passed. Go ahead and pass! I had a great day. Take it and run (or... go spin Peloton in my case!)

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