Thursday, April 28, 2022

Love Love Thursdays!!

Thursday is my favorite trading day. The options are HOT, but still have a smidge enough time on them.

Everyone is looking at FB today, gapping 16% on earnings. The setup is a gap up against yesterday's breakdown day. I had noted 207 (50ma) level, and premkt support 198ish. Thought it could pull back to 195 and still be decent for a long. 

In the opening minute/2, it ran straight to 207, then 208. And then croaked. Like we've seen lots of things do lately. We're in a bearish market. Runups should be treated skeptically. 

After the runup and the full retracement, it looked like it was going to reject vwap and I jumped into puts. One bar of nerves, and I was going to give it ndh, but then it dropped out. I held past p/l target but trailed the pltgt stop down after it. Market dropping in tandem. 

Other levels I noted, 198 pmkt low, 195 area from daily chart. It crossed premkt support easily and I thought it was going to go straight to hell, but when it stalled, I tightened up. Grabbed +48% by 9:46. Zigs no zags! I'm going to go have a nice day! Peace!

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

picking bottoms --> don't!

I'm not good at picking bottoms. Always remember! I am a trend-trader. I'm great at trends. Stink at reversals.

Tried to pick a bottom with SPY calls today. Got burned on ndl, then it reversed in my direction without me. Do I need to learn this repeatedly? 

Trend is my friend!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

no bid morning

Market no bid day. Straight down. So many shorts got away on the open. I waited 10 whole minutes before attempting my first trade. VERY unusual for me.

First trade NVDA, missed the next move, but no regrets squeezing my stop. Remember that! 

GLW perket up with 1 min vol recovering VWAP. Take those targets! Bounced into daily 50ma and I tightened up. At a certain point, the bid on the option completely disappeared. Was .6x.7 and then the bid dropped to 0.15. That's scared me to just get the heck out when I could!

Monday, April 25, 2022

Sell while I can, is my piece

Lost (-13%) on XPEV puts in the open

SPY calls was trade of the day, +19%, +61%, +129%. Had to take off the last part with a stop around 3:00 because I was about to get my eyes dilated and wouldn't be able to manage it from phone without seeing. Left another ~100% on the table (If you think I would have held for the dip back to 424, which is meh), but gotta get what you get!! PEACE!

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