Thursday, January 28, 2021

Trying a new p/l technique

I think I'm pretty successful at getting my 20% p/l target most of the time.
"I think"?
Ya, no good data on this.
But it does seem like, on the trades that go well enough to get 20%, there is often even more there. 

As long as I'm also manually trailing a stop for worst case, I'm trying also to set a t-stop on the tgt order. Instead of a limit order I'm trying:
If the bid goes to [+20%] sell on 0.05-.10 t-stop. So, maybe I'll start getting more than 20% on my first target? 

I'm also considering, instead of 1/2 off at pl tgt, do 1/4 - 1/3 at 20% pl, then another notch at 30-50%, and then let it run on a manually trailed stop.

Today I mostly finessed it and I did pretty well on my gut. I actually LOVE how I traded today. Felt effortless. B"H!

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