Wednesday, June 17, 2020

-3% day. Ate a stops run and ate a rug pull.

Frustrating day. Opened with great BYND trade. MRNA jerked me. RCL jerked me. NVS was hard to trade so I took small gainer. And then I barfed the rest of my day on AAPL. Lessons: don't trade nms (do I need to ignore this every day?).

In the process of capturing the charts and reflecting, I think it has hurt me recently that I haven't done the work of journaling with the annotated charts. I should make a bigger effort to keep journaling with charts, even if it's a bit of a nuisance... especially when I lose it's like reflecting on pain. But that's how to keep growing and improving.

What went wrong here, let me count the ways... 
Jumped into calls too late. Didn't stop "tight stop is the right stop". Didn't stop my whole position, I tried to let it ride.
Then the puts. I started the position at arguably the right time (but why short aapl when everyone watching for ath?). Didn't take the new low flush/reversal stop. Then I added. I was only saved by some news drop. Got some off then stubbornly held the rest.
Totally F*ed trade. 

This was the beauty of the day. Daily setup beautiful. Bought ndh and it ran in a split second. Yanked the first half on first stall. Yanked the rest on the next stall. This is the kind of trading I want to do all the time.

I got jerked out of this. Didn't reenter. Based on the daily setup, I shouldn't have been in it at all.

This was a great daily setup, but the option traded slowly and with a 5c spread on a 50c option. I had to take target and tight stop. Glad for what I got.

Daily setup was good. I took first entry late, which made me go smaller and then want to add. I didn't take a target(!?) and then got my stop run out.

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