Wednesday, January 12, 2022

wrong timing

As of 12 noon, all the top 10 gaps up (sorted by run rate) are trading below their opening price. Profit taking. 

Without the wisdom of retrospect, on the open BIDU gap looked great. I got calls on narrow spread, but then the spread widened like crazy. I stopped 1 bar too late, but otoh I tried to give it a little room (but not to day's low, which would have only been worse). 

Tried the QQQ puts, which (with retrospect) was the right trade, wrong time. I tried to give that one room and ate way too much (today exp), while being initially even more wrong and above day high, the trade was down after that. I don't think I would have tried a short at that point though as it based above day highs. Anyway, a huge loser. 

Checking back on JNPR, that fqer isn't helping any. 

Max week loss at this point, so JNPR rides, but I'm done for the week.

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