Tuesday, January 11, 2022

big ouch!

Just to bite my butt after this morning's grand opining about when to give room... I gave room, I got burned, on an up is down and down is up day. Literally. See charts. (profit taking on both sides)

RIVN reversed haarrrd and stopping the back half above the first pivot hurt my pride. That's why we take small positions, people! Should I have flipped this long? NO. That's not my play. I get burned trying to bottom fish. Even though, I would have loved to catch the right side of a trend like that.

JNPR is the one that really burns. The spread...THE SPREAD... I was "too smart" to take a stop, and then suddenly it's too late (#rlly?). It didn't pop with the market buying, but it didn't fall apart. It's Tuesday. I took it home against better wisdom. BEH tomorrow this goes to 37.2 and beyond.

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