Friday, February 26, 2021

Closing February

I did well today. Well enough to bring my account barely green for the week and to new account highs by a smidge. I'm actually a little surprised at this. I was sort of braced for old patterns of death spiral, but I think I'm in such a much better place with my trading these days (ironically said one day after I took my account -12% and back again).

All done today by 10:10 and I left my Plum Trades account on autopilot. Then I had the rest of the day to spend on Purim and Shabbat prep. Felt like I had so much time on my hands. The trader lifestyle.

End of February stats: 

ytd gain83.63%
ytd w/l days67.50%
ytd avg daily %1.67%
month gain51.89%
month w/l days70.00%
month avg daily %2.29%

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