The whole story is I was -$5000 and back today. Heart attack on wheels, as I like to say.
What happened? Is it because I have neglected to annotate charts lately? Will do it now. All of them. Ugh.
I think on days like today, I try to make something from nothing. There were no trades. My setups weren't really there (arguably only the TWTR calls). I tried pulling trades out of my sleeve. I need different techniques for that. Ex: today I found myself trying to use the Meir Barak technique not to sell on spikes, but to then put the stop beyond the spike. I think that just led me to bigger losses today.
Market is weakening, and there is more volatility. It's hard to find my setup - things breaking from a base - because everything is just so wrecked that nothing is basing. So I'm trading things that are nms, maybe that's part of why my usual techniques aren't working.
This tells me I should be developing more sophisticated plays for more volatile markets: reversals? oversold? etc. Maybe look at SmithInTheBlack for ideas?
Definitely, I should be trading SMALLER, which I didn't do today. And I should be stopping, which I also didn't do well today. Do I like shooting myself in the foot?
I'm remembering the feeling from last spring, where I was "right" but wrong timing or couldn't hold on. I need to figure out where to tweak my system, and meanwhile not lose money or get toxic.
For starters, the markets:
TLRY, calls (on what setup?), followed by puts. WAAYYYYY too much size, about 3x my usual. wtf?!