Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Churned all day for 1% on account

Frustrating day. Partly bc market, partly my own actions. I used all my buying power and made 1%. It's better than red, but feels exhausting. Churning.

I should come back with charts, especially on a day like today, but I'm not sure I will.

I talked to Schwab last night about problems filling orders in the first ~10 min of trading in the morning. The guy seemed completely surprised and didn't seem to even understand what I was describing, yesterday's example:

At 9:32 (I think even 30-45 seconds earlier before the notification even registered) I put in a market order with a profit bracket attached.
No position showed up in my account. I could not cancel the order (cancel returned an error)
At 9:34 the profit bracket triggered, but the position still wasn't open in my account. Now I suspect that the initial buy order didn't go through properly
At 9:35:15 I entered an additional order (omg?!), bc I thought the first one just disappeared! These shares showed up reasonably quickly.
At 9:35:29 The shares from the original 9:32 order showed up (I can tell bc the price).
Now I'm in DOUBLE the size I wanted. 
Thankfully I was nicely profitable and able to get out without further problems. 
This could have easily gone huge against me too. 

What the heck, Schwab?! This has been going on for weeks. It used to be a small problem, like shares not appearing for a few seconds, and I attributed it to general slippage. But a few minutes?!!! Not acceptable.

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