Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Clockwork and a little luck for +19%

 After a multi-multi-week losing streak, it's nice to have another sizable winning day (albeit on small account). A+ lesson is to preserve capital while regaining a grip. The smartest thing I did when I started going downhill was to set money aside (and then more money aside) to keep some powder dry. This made it easier for me than simply trying to restrain myself with 2 small trades. I need the cash out of sight. It is still out of sight. I might leave it aside for weeks/months. 

Today I tried to integrate a lesson I've become aware of recently about relative volume, and it goes to conviction. I am working on a theory that the higher the opening relative volume, the more I can trust the move (therefore hang on through a spike against me). Well, at least today, it kept me in CRM for a winner. 

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