Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Introspection on losing streak

I'm not sure what happened. I don't know how it started. I don't know what I did to end it, but I feel like I have my mojo back. Now I hope I can restore my account! I got hurt pretty bad. 

Maybe I have a certain comfort zone with account size. When I've gotten about 2-3x that size, I have blown out more than once. As much as it seems like I should just be able to scale and scale, I think I get emotional. Maybe my comfort zone is 1/3 or 1/2 that big $number. Maybe I should skim off gains and trade solidly and consistently in that comfort zone. It seems like that's less growth potential, but actually, it will perhaps just be steady gains vs exponential rise and precipitous fall. 

How do I keep trading sane like this? How do I pull in and STOP! when it's not working instead of getting all crazy? I think there was a video I once liked on this topic. I need to find it. Maybe the gist of it was: a loss sucks, but I can generally make it up in a few days (if not the very next day!). And there's going to be days like that. But if I let it go nuts, it's going to take a much longer time to repair. 

My number 1 job should be to keep losses under control by stopping!

I'm going to post for now, but this is a topic I definitely need to continue to ponder, examine, expand on.

UPDATE. I reviewed July and Aug entries, taking notes and processing. Attached.

Pretty good article about losing streaks. Not losing more than an avg daily gain, regaining confidence in a demo account.

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