Monday, July 6, 2020

Boooo. -3% day. Overtrading in choppy day

Started with a nice trade on BABA (bottom of list, sorted by closing time). That was an all day runner, but I only got pieces. I managed to have a loser, and then another winner on BABA.
Overnight MRNA puts did badly, and then I lost on calls too.
NVAX huge spreads, so I ate some on that one.
Other stuff also stam, including a desparate grab at SPY puts at the end.

I traded all good setups today and pretty good clockwork. What I didn't do well was quitting. I just kept trading against hope. At least I did have a self awareness that this wasn't my kind of day... as I kept hacking at it. Next time I get that vibe, I should just stop--even just for an hour or 2--instead of trying to grind into it.

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