Thursday, May 7, 2020

Didn't trade clockwork today. -13%. PTON wtf and BABA undiciplined

Wiped out my whole week of gains, and payed heavily in psychological capital.
Very emotional trading day today. Positions too big. Emotional trade management. Clockwork nowhere to be found after BABA #1.

First trade BABA didn't go for me. Stop -3%. No problem. Move on.

Next trade PTON jerked me right away, and I was IN TOO BIG. Instead of yanking my pos (arrogance), I bought puts so I could try to hold the calls (wtf?!). Now I'm holding big size in puts and huge size in calls, and it was hard to manage. It moved so fast, and I was struggling to manage both sides. In the end, I was +16% on too-big put position (about 2x what I should have had) and -58% on a wtf-big call position (3x what I should).
Do I need to say, this devastated my day.

So I tried to make it back in BABA. I took a new put position, which I managed poorly aside from it being sized ok. For starters, I let this go way too far against me. I can't even remember if I had a hard stop in (!). Then I got lucky. But instead of taking approx +50% at resistance, I tried to hold for a breakdown (multiday level, 2 days before earnings = stupid) in order to save my day. I shaved off a few smidges, but held the bulk against my ego and of course it didn't save my day, and I didn't even do too well because I didn't trade it like clockwork. Result +10%

Today was a total fail.
Clockwork works! Trade like clockwork!
Small size. 
Tight stop is the right stop. 
Pay myself first.



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