Friday, October 4, 2019

Remedies to failures

I respond better to cues about what TO do, vs what NOT to do.
So I have reframed today's failures into remedies.

I arrived late.
Trades starting at 1030 are by definition NMS
Only trade my setup.
My setups are on the open.
Only trade opens.
Don't trade today's expirationFridays are DAY OFF.
Positions too bigTrade reasonable size, to stay rational
Yanking stopsStops are for safety
SwearingReduce size to reduce emotions
Hoping for luck to save meProper pivots, proper entries, proper stops
Forfeiting my day to the marketI like trading fast and having my day.
Money burning a hole in my pocketCash is safety
Not walking away after first small loserAfter a loser, go SMALLER, not bigger.
Revenge tradingTrade only my setup, or walk away.

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