Tuesday, October 8, 2019

BABA +4%. Is this what commission free trading is going to cost me?!

Daily setup: Gap down below bear / pullback
Entry/play: after initial high, below 1 min reversal bar.
Management: I planned to go small. I'm working on sizing based on conviction. Initial small position triggered my limit order but it didn't fill had to stop partial. Next spike up, reloaded. Next spike down, greedier limit also didn't fill. Left my stop high and got ripped off. Reloaded again. Next time put a price trigger market order, which filled poorly. Rode it up again, setting stop, trailing stop, and another really terrible execution on my stop.
Psychology: OK, since I was never in too big at any given time. Mad about slippage.

Schwab, I used to love you. Are you going to rip me off on slippage now? You made more from me on slippage today than you would have made on commissions. I will keep my eye on this.

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