Another hit and run day! Building back psychological capital.
Trading hygiene: bc camp carpool, I've been rolling up pretty much at 9:30. Prone to sloppy trading when I don't do good prep. Suffered some of that today. ROKU, def nms and I know "roku eats its young" (trades with lots of false signals/setups). But I stabbed into it anyway. At least, small size doesn't hurt as much.
Today, I traded with a small proportion of my account (+11% is on the small allocation). After first trade I was up about 5%. Next 2 trades losers almost back to scratch. Another shot at COIN made the money. There's probably more downside there, but ... tight stop is the right stop. I made my piece, and PEACE!!
Tilt trigger avoidance. After the 2 losers gave back my day, there was a huge temptation to bring new money into the account. NO!! I have to build back my self discipline. In a rational time, I allocated myself that certain amount. And if I'm not doing well with that amount, there is NO good reason to bring in new money to keep chasing a bad trading day, whether it is my own bad trading or just a day that is not conducive to my style.
I've been trying to remind myself to squeeze my stops in close. Zigs, no zags. Get my piece, and peace.