Monday, June 22, 2020

+2% day. I quit shorts early bc not correlating w SPY bull

Frustrating day, but I did come out green and I did trade like clockwork. Mama said there'd be days like this. My job is to keep trading clockwork, protecting my capital and I will take MY piece. PEACE!

Market action was REALLY strange today.  The stuff I was watching and trading went into peaks around 9:50-10:00, but SPY kept running and running. Made me have a lot of doubts about my shorts so I used tight stops and, esp on BA, got run out and missed the money. On the other hand, ZM (PTON, BYND, others I was watching) did take initial strong moves, but did not continue with SPY. It was like SPY was in a world of its own today (obv pushed by sectors I wasn't watching).

SPY for reference
BA This seemed to be a short play on daily, but Meir called it out long and I know this can go strongly both ways. Got my piece on the way up, but as it dropped (as expected), SPY still pushed up so I tightened stops and missed the move.

RCL Beauty short setup on daily but didn't get my move. Glad I stopped and didn't try to ride it out. Just like on BA, when this rolled, SPY didn't and I ate it on tight stops.

ZM In this case, the opposite. Sick strong open, then couldn't continue with SPY.

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