Wednesday, January 8, 2020

10 trade review

I have placed 10 trades in 2020.
W/L count exactly .5
10 trade net account p/l +19.31%

Sentiment: FRUSTRATED.
Of course! a 50% w/l count is frustrating, even if I'm up.
I like how I'm trading. I like the picks, I'm generally sticking to my trusted setups. I'm doing a great job waiting for pivots, taking gains, and a pretty good job stopping against pivots. This is basic level discipline.

My emotions are stable. I feel rational. I've had 2 big winning days and 3 small loser days.

How do I achieve better results? Maybe rethinking some position mangement. I feel like with my winners I'm leaving a lot on the table, and then my losers catch up with me. I feel if I had bigger account/positions, I could leave a runner on, where now I need to lock in everything.

I like my position sizing, generally 2 equal $ positions. I would still like to consider conviction sizing, but I don't have good clarity yet on how that looks.

Yesterday was a particularly frustrating day, followed by an eating binge. Can't do that. Need to maintain discipline in all areas. Need to stick to best nutrition #vegetapill #noaddedsugar. Need to work out 4-6 times/week. Need more steps. All of these:
-trading discipline
-food discipline
-workout discipline
are my perpetual struggles and also I feel they are the key to everything I want.
Good health, sharp brain, trading profits.

To work on
Consistent discipline in my 3 key areas

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