Monday, September 16, 2019

AAPL +9%

Daily setup: Eh... Not my setup.
Entry/play: New 1 min high
Management:  Stop below low was pretty far, so initial stop below the 9:31 pivot bar. After 9:38 drop, I wasn't loving it. When that low held (9:40) I moved stop to below that area (not much of a difference, but...). Then trailed stop up for surge. 9:52 bar just barely didn't hit my target so I took off the first one a smidge below, but didn't want to give back T1. Didn't really want to give back anything, so I moved my stop up more and the remaining 2 stopped on the pivot exactly. That's going to happen sometimes.
Psychology: Say it again and again:
Every time I yank a stop I regret it. I'd rather have the opposite: regret the minority of times it doesn't save my butt.
So, while I missed the next surge, I got my piece. And peace.

Update. 100% no regrets.

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