Today I closed the overnight hold of LEN for a little more gains. Lost huge on MRVL. Won big on U. Net red day.
I think partly I've let myself get obsessed with who trades a similar style to me but somehow manages to get outrageous gains. I keep thinking I'm going to do that too... not all the time, just on the real great setups. (Maybe I need to go further otm to get the returns he gets.) MOST OF ALL, I need to stick to MY style. The style that suits me and makes me money.
This week contrasted with last week (stellar gains), should make it very obvious that I should stay in my lane.
So next week, back to "clockwork trading". Why do I ever stray? That's how I've made the money that I have, why do I try anything else? This refers to trading like clockwork. Systematic picks. Systematic entries. Systematic trade management. This is my thing. I'm going to make my money my way, in my time.
-small position size to reduce emotional decision making
-tight stop is the right stop
-pay myself first (take profits along the way)
-zigs no zags. I need to trade the one power surge of the move and then go enjoy the rest of my day.
I need to remind myself of this more.
I won't get rich quickly, but I might get rich slowly.