Tuesday, January 24, 2023

got chopped on the inside day

The FIRST rule of inside days: don't expect followthrough. 

How many years have I been trading?

This morning on the open there was a wild market glitch. Lots of strange halts and weird action. Fortunately I didn't get caught in that. 

Then I took 1 "normal" loss and 1 C-game loss (0dte) and I'm calling it quits. Coulda' shoulda on the last one, which...  wtf, self!?!  0dte is poison. Also poison: not taking the pltgt bc I want so much more. 

Repeat: the pltgt is my bread and butter. I need to take that target every single time. Either I take the target with a limit order, or run a trailing stop behind it for more. But there should never be a time when I hit +20% and don't take it off for at least +15%. +20 should never go red.

And helloooooo....! I only turn to 0dte in the first place when I'm desperate 🚩. 
If I'm even looking at 0dte, I should shut down.

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