Wednesday, June 22, 2022

bullish engulfing day

Premarket (starting down over 1%), I noticed all my gaps down were still above support. No real breakdowns. I watched for some to pull up, then maybe set up for a real breakdown. 

Tried AMZN (was not on my initial list) bc the box was so distinct. When it bounced off vwap I thought to myself, this might be a good long. Wow, it would have been!

I didn't want to go too big into any longs, so I grabbed a SPY lotto to try to participate. Amazing run up and got my account nicely green, but the position size was about 1/10th of the AMZN size so it wasn't a big $ gainer, even if it was a huge % gainer. The definition of lotto.

So, a green day, but how was my behavior? 

I did take a few paper trades this morning before the AMZN. I like that for myself, when I don't have any real setups to just paper trade. What made me jump into AMZN then? Well, greed for sure. Also bc the box was so distinct. But mostly greed and probably impulse(!). Check my greed and impulse control going forward!

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