Friday, November 27, 2020

fomo - NO! ...Peace

 I finished by 9:45 with a huge day. Very satisfied. Went downstairs bragging. (Watch out for that exuberance!!)

Checked back later and I had left a lot on the table. Do I have fomo? NO! ...Well maybe a little, but rationally I know that wasn't MY money. I traded MY trade. I got MY piece. I am at peace with that.

NVAX option widened at one point almost $2 spread on $6 option. I can't sit in that. I need to pick a target and take it off. MRNA was a little easier to trade, and I had 2 so I could scale out. 

In both cases, I wouldn't have survived the drop after my move. If anything, I would have wanted to trade them again later, and I know for a fact that is not MY trade. 


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