Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Green to red to green +1%

See what I did there? Started with green trades. Then, when I started losing, I started trading like a bigger and bigger ass until I went red. Then I finally got BNTX for a heart attack, but back into the green.

I did have a consciousness after my first red trade, that I had a nice little gainer and should just call it quits. That was at about 9:50am. Instead, I proceeded to hack and slice until just getting back above water at 1:00.

It's not worth the psychological toxicity. I should be taking my money and RUN! to go have the rest of a wonderful day. Then build small green on top of small green, maybe a few big greens, and ride off into the sunset with my dreams!

This is about the dreams. This is about supporting my family. This is about living where I want to live while doing a job that I enjoy and makes me feel proud of myself.
So don't trade like an ass. Don't toxify my mentality. Just stack up the wins.

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