Grab and get the heck out is trade of the day.
Love my hit and run this morning. I'm starting to feel like "I'm back!" in my trading. Pick my very best setups. Minimal risk exposure, rake it in, go have a nice day.
At this point, I need to beware of the confident feeling I'm having. I know about myself that when I feel really confident, I'm open to getting humbled. I need to stick to my very best setups. Hit, grab my gains, and run.
Today, the pltgt was very key in BA gains. I know that BA can run hard but also reverse hard. Always lock gains there.
RUN also had a lot of volatility and about 10%+ spread. Need to take targets there, so I skimmed off a fraction for an easier target, then put the rest of the first half out for a slightly increased target. Back half out on first sign of reversal.
Zigs no zags!