Monday, March 14, 2022

Volatility is the land of expanding ranges

Trying to learn the lessons of trading extra volatility. I've been mentioning shorting the "second high" or trading the second setup. I'm seeing more and more these expanding ranges and AMD today was a perfect example. Trendlines work! The second high is an extended trendline of the highs (may include premarket). 

Stochastics also matter. A lot. I'm not sure I can elaborate yet on exactly what's different. Seems like the 5 min stochs need to cycle. Don't fight the 5 min stochs. Wait for it to cycle and don't be afraid of the expanding range/test against my bias.

I've been getting burned on trying to short the "h" on 1 min setup when the 5 min stochs are oversold and I'm losing. This is another way of looking at the expanding range. A low, a bounce (ex, to vwap) and the new low bounces off an extended trendline that is the boundary of the expanding range. The rejection can be strong.

Something else to note about volatility is that despite the big price swings, the option spreads are bigger and there's a lot of exaggeration in the pricing. So believe it or not, it seems harder to get my pl tgt 20% in volatility environment. Consider going for pl(1) 10-15%, pl(2) 20-30%...

Back to AMD, see yellow dots (black chart), the trade was short, but volatility bounced it for a new high first, and rejected off the expanding range (trendline! white chart) I got a small gainer off that. Coulda shoulda waited for the 5 min stochs to cycle to get the great trade. 

SPY failed short... lucky for small loser. Was this a good trade. I think yes in that I waited for a bounce, but today it didn't work. 

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