Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Biggest $ day ever

Today, my biggest up dollar day ever. I should expect this as my account grows, but I've been stumbling lately. 

Pondered w/ A last night, what's up with my trading? For a while, I was taking positions approx 1/10 of my account size (meaning, I could take 10 trades/day). As my account grew, I was sticking with that $size. But that allows me to take more than 10 trades. I was prone to keep on trading and sometimes chip away at gains (esp bc later in the morning, is typically nms), just because I have more cash available.

So, I lowered my account ... a good strategy to constrain myself. Always. 
And then I traded bigger-ish positions. 
This made me nervous, so I took 1/3 off at easier targets.
Today it worked great!

Something else that worked great? Stopping! Not stop loss, but stop trading. Last trade closed at 10:23 and I knew I was done. 

Nice green day, in/out... go have a day!

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