Friday, October 2, 2020

Red day. Under control. -7% ouch.

A thought on the "up is down and down is up" phenomenon: let's say market gaps down, so people go for shorts, but then the market trades up. Shorts have to cover, sending big green moves into gap-down stocks. But the stocks with original relative strength don't have as much excitement for new longs, so no new buying in down mkt, just maybe some profit taking (selling).

Example today. Market big gap down. Open traded up. I waited well, but shorts (DAL, WYNN) didn't work, and moved higher and higher. Otoh long AAPL didn't work either.

I think I traded right today, except I didn't stop after 3 losers. Next week options. Good position sizing. 

Last AAPL calls (second try) still ride. I'm still hoping! Bracket is set.  (Update stopped for a loss as market plunged)

Need to go build a sukkah (quick! it's tonight!).

1 min, midday

5 min, near eod

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