Thursday, May 21, 2020

Crazy overtrading. Went up 5% to down 2% to up 5%.

I hacked around way too much today. Managed to redeem myself, but these are bad habits.
Why did I hack in BA so much? I had a great open. Was up nicely. Later I had the FOMO on BA and got shaken out. Should never have reversed it, that was a waste of money. On the bounce I tried to go long again which was a tough trade. Eventually *such a rookie move* I was in too big and trading too scared. The more I hacked, the more I lost and my up morning was gone.

So despite my excellent opening clockwork trading, I let my money burn a hole in my pocket and I jumped in for more when I should have walked away. I should listen to that satisfied "I'm good here" feeling and call it a day.






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